s Source Code Systems, Inc.
Source Code Systems, Inc. Solutions : Real world, real-time.

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About SCS

Our philosophy stresses two fundamental concepts.  First, we believe that the best solutions spring from the recognition and exploitation of similarities among seemingly disparate tasks, goals, and fields of endeavor. Second, we believe success nearly always lies in the direction of greater simplicity and generality -- not greater complexity or single-purpose specialization.

Most technical problems have many possible solutions.  Finding a solution is easy.  Consistent selection and successful implementation of the best solutions requires special skills and experience.  Source Code System's unique strengths lie in our ability to study and understand each customer's specific circumstances. We provide not just a carefully considered selection of solutions, but also the knowledge and insights necessary for our customers to properly evaluate those solutions.  The result?  Our customers end up with the best, most cost-effective, solutions to their challenging research, design, or development problems.

Most of our work involves technical, scientific, real-time, or algorithmic research and/or development, but we also do considerable database design and development, web services development, and other custom programming. We have:

developed air traffic control strategies,

designed and implemented exceedingly powerful networked graphical display systems,

automated television broadcasting, crude oil collections, and UseNet processing,

cut database load times by 20X and memory utilization by 50X,

directed the movement of radar dishes three stories tall and the movement of tiny integrated circuit test probes,

implemented full-featured graphic terminal emulators on scientific workstations,

optimized the production of Pampers, and

constructed globe-spanning network computation systems

for current and past clients including:

Access Group LLC

Laurie B. Williams

South Central Kansas Economic Development District (SCKEDD)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Lincoln Laboratory and (indirectly) the FAA


Quest Research & Development

Koch Industries

Rockwell Collins

Procter & Gamble

Independence Blue Cross

Wichita Festivals, Inc.

Kisco Dental Products

If you or your company has challenging problems to solve, maybe you should be our customer too.

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Source Code Systems, Inc.